Purpose: Low quality of sleep leading to cognitive problems is among key a reason that declines the athlete performance especially due to stressful athletic events. Thus, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of low intensity aerobic Exercise on attention, and quality of sleep among professional volleyball players.
Methods: 21 professional female volleyball players were selected voluntarily and divided randomly into two experimental (n=11; with mean age of 19.3 years old) and control group (n=10; with mean age of 19.6 years old). Subjects were measured for attention performance and quality of sleep using respectively Vienna system test and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The exercise protocol included an eight-week aerobic exercise, three times per week, and 60 minutes per session with 60%-70% of the maximum heart beat. The intensity of exercise protocol was monitored by Polar Electro. Dependent and Independent t-test were used to analyze the data.
Results: The results suggested that both attention tests (speed processing and selective attention) were improved significantly in posttest in experimental group compared to control group (p≤0.05). In addition, It was shown that, quality of sleep was significantly improved in experimental group (p=0.001; t=8.01).
Conclusions: Although professional athletes often do athletic activities, the regular aerobic exercise would improve their psychomotor performance and quality of sleep. Hence, it can be considered as a noninvasive and effective strategy to counteract sleep loss consequences and attention deficits caused by stressful conditions in athletic events.
Key words: Keywords: Attention. Quality of sleep, athlete.