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Original Article

J App Pharm Sci. 2018; 8(10): 106-112

Garcinia binucao crude ethanolic leaf extract prevents alcohol-induced neurotoxic effects on learning, short-term memory, and motor functions in Drosophila melanogaster

Ourlad Alzeus G. Tantengco, Joanne Jennifer E. Tan, Nicholas Robert C. Tan, Maria Concepcion C. Sison, Paul Mark B. Medina.


Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with cognitive and behavioral impairments. Drosophila melanogaster is a commonly used model for learning and memory studies. We looked at Garcinia binucao to determine the ability of its crude ethanolic leaf extract to reduce deficits in learning, short-term memory, and motor functions due to alcohol exposure. Chronic alcohol exposure significantly decreased motor function by 22%(p

Key words: Garcinia binucao, Drosophila melanogaster, alcohol-induced neurotoxicity, learning, short-term memory, motor function

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