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Phytochemical and Chromatographic Evaluation of Kaempferol from Flemingia tuberosa Dalzell: An Endemic Plant of Western Ghats

Sunita Shailajan, Reena William Mascarenhas.

Cited by 1 Articles

Objectives: The aim of this study was preliminary phytochemical screening, chemoprofiling and marker compound analysis using modern analytical technique like HPTLC for Flemingia tuberosa. Kaempferol has been quantitated from different parts of the plant and the content of aerial part was compared with that of aerial part of Flemingia vestita. Materials and Methods: Flemingia tuberosa was analyzed for its kaempferol content using HPTLC. Chromatographic fingerprint was achieved using HPTLC and kaempferol was estimated using a validated method. The content of the biomarker was compared between two species of Flemingia viz., Flemingia tuberosa and Flemingia vestita. Safety evaluation of the plant extract was done as per the OECD test guidelines no. 420. Results: Plant has been standardized in terms of its pharmacognostic parameters. It was found to be richer in kaempferol than Flemingia vestita. Ethanolic extract of Flemingia tuberosa was also found safe up to an oral dose of 2.0 g/kg body weight in rats. Conclusion: Chromatographic characterization of Flemingia tuberosa using HPTLC would enable its rational utilization and these methods can be applied for the quality evaluation of Flemingia tuberosa as well as use of the plant in formulations.

Key words: Flemingia tuberosa, HPTLC, Flemingia vestita, safety

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