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Case Report

Cervical Chondrosarcoma. Case report.

Brahim El Mostarchid, Mamoune El Mostarchid, Mohamed Oukabli, Mohamed Zalagh, Miloudi Gazzaz.

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Background: Chondrosarcoma (CHS) is a malignant tumour characterized by the formation of a chondrogenic cartilage matrix. Only 6% and 10% are known to occur in the spine. Cervical localization is very rare. A case of CHS arising from the cervical transverse of the 3rd to 6th cervical spine is reported. Case report: A 30-year-old man presented with progressive left-sided neck swelling for 1 year. On examination, a 7 x 4 cm, fixed swelling was palpable in the left supraclavicular area and extended to the mandibular angle. This mass presented a mixed intensity on T1-W, showing iso and hypersignal intensity and in T2-W images. Enhancement was strong. This mass arises from the cervical transverse of the 3rd to 6th cervical spine. Surgery was made via the vertical pre sternocleidomastoidian approach. After meticulous sharp dissection after vascular control, the tumour was removed in Toto. Histological study showed chondrosarcoma. The literature suggests that gross-total resection of the CHS provides the best chance for prolonging the disease-free interval in patients. Subtotal excision should be avoided whenever possible. But this technic is difficult in the cervical area according to its proximity to vital neurovascular structures and combined with the complex spinal anatomy, (vascular, nervous, and parapharyngeal space). Conclusion: CHS must be considered as a diagnosis differential of any deep-seated neck tumefaction.

Key words: Neck swelling, MRI, cervical Chondrosarcoma, surgery, total en-bloc removal

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