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Cancer pattern among newly registered patients in a cancer hospital of South Gujarat

Ketankumar Patel, Hiteshree Patel, Vipul Chaudhari, Sachin Mehariya.

Cited by 2 Articles

Background: Cancer is a chronic disease, its prevalence is increasing worldwide due to various advances exist for the diagnosis and treatment. Cancer occurs as a result of unusual growth of cells and invasion of nearby tissue and organs. At present, cancer is the second leading cause of death. Cancer distribution has a wide variation in different parts of the world.

Objectives: To observe the pattern of different types of Cancer, Age and Gender wise distribution of common cancer in newly registered cancer patients at Cancer Treating Institute.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study conducted in newly registered cancer patients at D.B. Tejani Cancer Institute, Surat. Total 690 patients purposively selected from December 2015 to January 2016.

Results: The most common sites of cancer in decreasing order were oral cavity (19%), female genital tract (15.1%), breast cancer (14.5%), gastrointestinal tract (11.3%), lympho-hematopoietic system (9.9%), respiratory tract (5.6%), and others. In less than 14 years, lymphatic leukemia was found to be the most common cancer in boys and ovarian cancer (25%) among girls.

Conclusion: Tobacco-related cancer was more common among more than 15-year-old males, while breast cancer was the most common type of
cancer in females.

Key words: Cancer Pattern; Gender; South Gujarat

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