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Original Article

AJVS. 2018; 56(2): 69-77

Clinical, Haematological and Biochemical Findings Based Surgical Management of Obstructive Urolithiasis by Tube Cystostomy in Buffalo Calves (Bubalus Bubalis)

Abdelnasser Abdalla and Awad Rizk.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical, hemato-biochemical and surgical management using tube cystostomy of acute urethral obstruction with or without bladder rupture in buffalo calves. A total number of 14 male buffalo calves with obstractive urolithiasis were prospectively studied. Most ofen males aged between 3 and 9 months.were affected. The affected calves were allocated to two groups; intact bladder group (n= 8), and ruptured bladder group (n= 6). Six apparently healthy buffalo calves were enrolled in this study as controls. Diagnosis of the disease was made on the basis of a history of anuria, clinical signs, selective biochemical analysis, abdominocentesis and ultrasongraphy, the confirmed cases of obstractive urolithiasis with either intact bladder or rupture ones were managed by surgical tube cystostomy technique with Foley’s catheter. Results of this study showed that, there was no significant change in the mean rectal temperature in cases of obstructive urolithiasis either with intact or ruptured bladder. The mean average of respiratory rates and heart rates in the calves suffering from obstructive urolithiasis were significantly higher compared to the control group. Both diseased groups showed significant (P < 0.05) increases in the total red blood cell count, packed cell volume and neutrophils. The greatest increases were recorded in serum urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations in both groups. Also the results showed an elevation in the level of total protein, glucose, inorganic phosphorus, potassium and magnesium but showed a decrease in the level of calcium, sodium and chloride. Majority of the cases showed uneventful recovery after surgical tube cystostomy. It was concluded that, the selective hemato-biochemical variables indicated a non significant differances in ruptured bludder group compared to the intact ones. Surgical management by tube cystostomy may be a feasible method for management of obstractive urolithiasis in field conditions.

Key words: Biochemical analysis, buffalo calves, cystorrhexis, intact bladder, tube cystostomy and urolithiasis.

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