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Effect of yoga and swimming on cognitive function in healthy adults: A randomized controlled trial

Shilpa S Gupta, Manish V Sawane.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Improvement in cognitive function has been linked to physical activity as well as yogic exercises. Studies have investigated the effect of acute exercise on cognition after acute single bout of exercise; however, comparison of effect of endurance exercise and yoga on resting cognitive function and resting oxygen consumption has not been studied.

Objectives: To compare the improvement in cognitive function by auditory reaction time and visual reaction time (ART and VRT) with yoga module and swimming in relation with metabolic efficiency studied by resting oxygen consumption.

Materials and Methods: Healthy males and females included in study were randomly assigned to yoga and swimming group, and respective interventions were given for 12 weeks. Pre- and post-intervention comparisons were made for ART and VRT and for resting oxygen consumption.

Results: Both ART and VRT time showed a statistically significant reduction in both interventions. However, better improvement was found with yoga for ART. Average resting oxygen consumption decreased significantly in yoga group only as compared to swimmers (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: Reaction time indicating integration of information in central nervous system seems to respond to both yoga and swimming almost equally though yoga has slight advantage in improving ART and VRT times. Yoga practice improves metabolic efficiency as suggested by reduced resting oxygen consumption. Improved metabolic efficiency may improve the synaptic plasticity as shown by earlier research resulting in enhanced cognitive function.

Key words: Auditory Reaction Time; Cognitive Function; Resting Oxygen Consumption; Swimming; Visual Reaction Time; Yoga

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