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Original Article

AJVS. 2018; 56(2): 62-68

Anaesthetic and cardiopulmonary evaluation following xylazine-Diazepam-ketamine-propofol administration with or without local infiltration analgesia using mepivacaine during inguinal castration in Donkeys

Marwa M. Abass, Awad Z. Rizk, Esam M. Mosbah, Adel E. Zaghloul.


The present study was performed to investigate the cardiopulmonary responses and hypoalgesic efficacy of diazepam/ketamine anaesthesia induction followed by xylazine-propofol infusion alone (XDKP) or with a local infiltration of mepivacaine (XDKPM) for inguinal castration in donkeys. A 10 male adult donkeys were assigned to two groups (XDKP and XDKPM). Donkeys were sedated by xylazine then anaesthesia was inducted with followed by diazepam/ketamine. Anaesthesia was maintained by propofol infusion 0.1 mg/kg/h. XDKPM group, mepivacaine 2% were locally infiltrated on each side and two min before surgical incision. Both group got smooth induction and recovery. The pain scale scores showed a significant higher compared to baseline in both groups. In conclusion, a combination of XDKP is balanced total intravenous anaesthesia regimen with cardiopulmonary stability in donkeys undergoing inguinal castration.
Keywords: xylazine, propofol, mepivacaine, inguinal castration, donkey

Key words: Keywords: xylazine, propofol, mepivacaine, inguinal castration, donkey

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