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RMJ. 2018; 43(4): 673-676

Frequency of growing pains among children of Lahore, Pakistan

Hira Rafique, Ashfaq Ahmed, Warda Shafique, Syed Amir Gilani, Kamran Hanif.


Objective: To determine the frequency of recurrent leg pain commonly described as “Growing pains” among children of Lahore, Pakistan.
Methodology: The study was conducted among 180 parents of children between ages 3-7 years. A closed type questionnaire consisting 27 points was administered. A 9-point scale was used with cut-off point of ≥7 for the diagnosis. SPSS version 21.0 was used to analyze data.
Results: Out of 180 parents, 87(48.3%) reported that their child had leg pains. 78(43.3%) of those were diagnosed with growing pains according to Peterson’s criteria. The frequency was higher among boys (56.41%) than girls (43.59%). 41(52.56%) of the diagnosed children were of age group above 5 years.
Conclusion: Growing pains are common among children’s of 3-7 years of age with a peak frequency in children’s above 5 years of age. The frequency was found higher among boys than girls. Growing pains tend to increase after vigorous activity.

Key words: Children, growing pains, recurrent leg pain.

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