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Majmaah J Heal Sci. 2013; 1(2): -


Mohammad Othman Al Rukban.


The first issue of the Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences was a great success in every respect. Not only was the quality of the scientific articles high, so was the enthusiasm and willingness with which our researchers and clinician alike have submitted their contributions. The editorial quality and the design of our own journal are also in line with what may be expected of a scientific journal.

Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences has passed an important first test. The editorial team has succeeded in making a high quality journal with its own image, with readable content and with an interested and involved group of authors and readers. The challenge is now to continue and proceed on this chosen path. One issue does not make a journal yet. It is up to us to deliver content and commitment over the coming years, which can result in a new, valuable tradition supporting the scientific development in health sciences.

This second issue of the Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences is the result of the dedicated contributions of many persons. We thank our editors for sharing their invaluable editorial experience with us. They have played outstanding role in taking on responsibilities to assist in the development and running of this journal. The editorial board has done a tremendous job; I thoroughly enjoyed the professionalism and enthusiasm of our editorial team.

The peer-reviewing processes developed for the journal engages leading scientists and clinicians in the field of health sciences, and, working together with a robust editorial structure, they ensures the highest quality and most original studies are published. The journal recognizes the support of its reviewers, which is of the vital importance to its success.

We gratefully acknowledge the continuing guidance of Majmaah University’s Rector Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al-Meqrin, Vice Rector, Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Al-Shaya and Dean Scientific Research Dr. Mohammad bin Nasser Al-Suwaid for their leadership and support, which has been instrumental in the formation and running of this journal.

The journal would not be here before you without the continuous efforts of the editorial assistants Dr. Mohammed Al-Mansour, Dr. Khaled Al-Tohami, Dr. Moattar Raza Rizvi, Dr. Fuzail Ahmad and Mr. Waqas Sami, who kept us all; authors, reviewers and editors, on track and consequently made the Journal’s timely publication possible.

But most of all I would like to thank all authors who submitted their paper to the journal. I hope they enjoyed the experience of getting their paper criticized and often improved by the reviewers’ and editors’ comments.

I am grateful to all of those involved in the production and publication of this and future issues, and hope the demands of our readers and scientific community are met. May the Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences continue to be a success.

Key words: Preface

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