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Case Report

Med Arch. 2018; 72(1): 74-75

A Rare Case of Misdiagnosis: Recurrence of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans That Was Treated Surgicallyas a Keloid

Murat Ucak.


Aim: In this report, we presented the patient with Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP), removed by considering as the keloid scar in the general surgery clinic with misdiagnosis. Case report: The patient was a 19-year-old female student with no scar or previous trauma history in the lesion area. Pathology report of excisional biopsy revealed as a DFSP, reachedsubcutis and dermis. In staging by CT, there had been no distant metastases. There was a lesion with the size of 2x1.5x1.5cm. A large resection was made to include the entire mass and the lower fascia. The defect area was repaired with a Limberg flap. There was no tumor recurrence in the first 6 months following the operation with high-level aesthetics for patient satisfaction. Conclusion: DFSP should be remembered in cases of operative or spontaneous keloid scarring lesions. The surgical treatment is possible after extensive resection with flap or graft repair.

Key words: Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans, keloid, recurrence.

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