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Effects of blood transfusion on gastrointestinal anastomosis – Our experience in 52 patients

Tapan Shah, Hiren D Parmar.


Background: Patients, operative technique and instrumental factors, all affect the intestinal anastomosis outcome. Preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative blood transfusion influences the very common surgical procedure. Blood transfusion is discriminated from other risk factors in that; its intentionally added risk factor.

Objectives: the effect of intra-operative and post-operative blood transfusion on elective gastrointestinal anastomosis mainly evaluated by following factors; (1) surgical site complications (2) anastomosis leak (3) fecal fistula and (4) death.

Material and methods: To evaluate the effect of blood transfusion (Intraoperative and Postoperative) in outcome of Gastrointestinal anastomosis at Government General Hospital. Data collected from fifty two patients who underwent elective gastro intestinal anastomosis at our hospital.

Result: The total number of patients was 52, 28male and 24 female. Mean age was 43 years, 17.3% were underwent small bowel anastomosis, 83.7% were underwent large bowel anastomosis, and 15.38% were transfused intraoperative and 26.92% were transfused postoperatively. Regardless other risk factors the incidence of surgical site infection was significantly high in transfused patients (25%), also there was a high rate of other complications in transfused patients.

Conclusion: Intraoperative and post-operative blood transfusion is a good predictor for development of complications in elective intestinal anastomosis. There were some limitations in this study, as other risk factors might change the outcome and the effect of blood amount wasn’t considered, so more precise studies have to be done to give more support to our results.

Key words: Blood transfusion, elective gastrointestinal Anastomosis, anastomosis leak

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