Background: Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans (DFSP) is a rare low grade soft tissue tumor with high recurrence rates. DFSP represents 1% of all soft tissue tumors. Recurrent DFSP requiring an entire abdominal wall reconstruction poses a challenge to the reconstructive surgeon.
Case Report: Here we report a large recurrent anterior abdominal wall DFSP in a teenage girl involving the anterior rectus sheath and the deep fascia of the abdominal wall (20 x 17 x 9 cm) posing difficult reconstructive challenge. The reconstruction was done by B/l tensor fascia lata flap and extended right groin flap.
Discussion: A large composite anterior abdominal wall defects are usually reconstructed by free flaps, but the more common local flaps can also be equally effective.
Conclusion: Complete surgical excision for DFSP of the abdominal wall, which result in defects of entire abdominal wall can be reconstructed with simpler local pedicled flaps.
Key words: Magneto encephalography (MEG), glucocorticoid, hippocampal formation & grid electrodes.