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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2018; 27(2): 46-49

Revisiting the Specialty of Operative Dentistry in Pakistan to Suggest a New Educational Model Scheme

Muhammad Hasan.


Abstract: Operative Dentistry is a post-graduate program recognized by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan (CPSP), which extends over the course of four-years. It leads to the specialist diploma from CPSP. This educational article is based on observations by the author, of shortcomings of operative dentistry program being offered in Pakistan.
This article aims to draw the attention of local dental fraternity especially those associated with operative dentistry, towards a few basic recommendations written in this article. The author further hopes that the topic will create awareness amongst practitioners and will open the issue towards a constructive debate and solutions.

Key words: Operative Dentistry, Education, Program restructure

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