Paratesticular tumors represent 7-10% of intra scrotal masses. Sarcomas account for 90% of malignant lesions of the spermatic cord; of these approximately 3-7% are liposarcomas. They are most commonly found in the extremities, in the retroperitoneum and less often in the head and neck area. This report describes a patient with liposarcoma of the spermatic cord. The clinical presentation, pathogenesis, and prognosis of this unusual sarcoma is reviewed. The low-grade malignant potential and irregular growth characteristics of liposarcoma render preoperative diagnosis difficult. The role of radical orchiectomy, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, radiation therapy and chemotherapy in the treatment of spermatic cord liposarcomas is discussed.
Key words: Liposarcoma, Radical orchiectomy, Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy