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Case Report

Pak J Nucl Med. 2011; 1(1): 56-62

Anterior neck lipoma mimicking a massive goitre

Durr-e-Sabih, Muhammad Kashif Rahim, Ayan Sabih.


Anterior neck is an uncommon location for lipomas but when present these can be mistaken for thyroid masses. The few reported cases have usually described small lesions mimicking a thyroid nodule. We report here a case of a lipoma mimicking a huge goitre. Imaging of the mass was performed through thyroid scintigraphy, ultrasound and computed tomography, which together provided a clue to the diagnosis. On surgery, a large subcutaneous mass was removed from the anterior triangle of the neck, which was seen to consist of mature adipose tissue onhistopathological examination. Large lipomas in the neck can mimic a goitre but this can be easily diagnosed using imaging, particularly with ultrasound, which is the best imaging modality in this situation.

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