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Case Report

RMJ. 2018; 43(3): 565-567

Electrocardiogram change before anesthesia induction in the operating room reveals coronary artery occlusive disease

Eunsu Kang, Jae-Wook Jung, Ji Yeon Kwon, Ki Hwa Lee, Myoung Jin Ko, Young-Gyun Choi.


A 66-year-old female patient with breast cancer was planned to receive partial mastectomy. She had well-controlled hypertension. A preoperative electrocardiogram showed some atrial premature complexes. In the operating room, 3 mm ST segment depression and T wave inversion were detected on a lead II ECG. The operation was canceled, and coronary artery occlusive disease was found, requiring treatment intervention. After 6 weeks from PCI, operation was performed without any complications. This case shows that the anesthesiologist plays an important role in detecting new-onset medical problems and taking the appropriate action.

Key words: Electrocardiography, Monitoring, Intraoperative

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