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Original Research

NNJ. 2016; 5(4): 32-36

Knowledge regarding surgical wound dressing among staff nurses and nursing students in NMCH, Nellore.

Ms. Anjumol. P.S, Asst. Prof. Ms. Anjani Devi. N.


A wound is an injury that causes either an internal or external break in the body tissue. Dressing is a protective covering applied to a wound. The goal of a wound care is to promote tissue repair and regeneration so that skin integrity is restored. Dressing issued as a protective cover over the wound which help meet the goal of wound care. Surgical wound is a clean increate wound made by surgeon during any operation at the time of incision or wound it is free from infection and opposed margins on the location site and type of the wound, type and amount of exudates whether the wound is infected or has sinus tracts, frequency or changing the dressing. Objective: The Aim of present study is to assess the knowledge and comparisons regarding surgical wound dressing among staff nurses and nursing students in NMCH, Nellore. Methodology: The Quantitative research approach was utilized for the study, descriptive research design was used. Non-probability convenience sampling technique was followed which included 30 samples, 15 were staff nurses and 15 were nursing students. Data was collected using Semi structured questionnaire to assess the knowledge on surgical wound dressing. Data analysis was done with SPSS. Results: Level of knowledge regarding surgical wound dressing among staff nurses, 2(13.3%) had inadequate knowledge, 5(33.3%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 8(53.4%) had adequate knowledge. And Level of knowledge regarding surgical wound dressing among nursing students, 6(40%) had inadequate knowledge, 7 (46.7%) had moderate knowledge and 2(13.3%) had adequate knowledge on surgical wound dressing .Conclusion: The study concluded that majority of staff nurses had adequate knowledge when compare to nursing students.

Key words: surgical wound dressing, staff nurses and nursing students.

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