Even though particular attention is paid to the nature and content of anatomy curricula, little has been published about the actual problem topics/concepts experienced by students of anatomy. This information is relevant to modifying existing courses and methods of teaching. The present study thus sought to identify, by means of a questionnaire administered to students of veterinary anatomy, perceived problem topics, the possible reasons for the problems, as well as student suggestions for solving the problems. A wide range of problem topics were identified by this survey, of which the development of heart and cardiovascular system, development of face/head, foetal membrane/placentation particularly 3 D pictures and then the development of body form and urogenital (including external genitalia)s recurred most frequently. A major reason given for the problems experienced was an inability to conceptualise 3-dimensional structures. Students requested more time, more lectures and appealed for a reduction in detail of textual information. Many of the problems experienced by this group of students are reflected in other studies of veterinary, medical and dental students, which suggests the existence of universal problem topics in the various fields of anatomy. We believe that these universal problem topics exist in many anatomy courses, despite the application of innovative teaching methods and advanced audio-visual technologies. Only by identifying these topics can suitable strategies (within the constraints of the particular curriculum) be devised to resolve them.
Key words: Key words: anatomy, embryology, histology, problem topics/concepts, student perceptions