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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(2): 51-54

Review on Various types of Makaradhwaja (Gold containing mercurial preparation)

Mangala Jadhav*, Swati S Chirane, Anjali Menon.


BACKGROUND: Makaradhwaja is a gold containing mercurial preparation. It is a commonly prescribed medicine among most Ayurvedic practitioners for vigour and vitality. It is prepared mainly by two methods - Kupipakwa (preparation of medicine in a special glass made container called Kupi layered seven times over with Fuller's earth, by administering high temperature) and Kharaliya (preparation of medicine by triturating all the compounds using a mortar and pestle) method, the former being the popular choice for preparation. The references for the preparation is different in different texts, this disparity causes changes in its chemical composition especially the ppm of gold, which also affects the efficacy of the compound. AIM: The preset paper aims to review this difference between the procedures and its utility in the therapeutic application. MATERIALS & METHODS: Information from various research articles, Ayurvedic texts and P.G. dissertations were reviewed for the completion of the study. RESULTS: Many speculations have risen regarding the safety and toxicity of Makaradhwaja, due to the presence of heavy metals like mercury and gold. Following which many toxicity studies have been conducted, successfully establishing the medicine as broadly safe for usage in measured quantity. The efficacy of the medicine overrides all baseless concerns and remains the choicest of medicine among Ayurvedic practitioners. CONCLUSION: The review concludes that Makaradhwaja is widely safe to use prepared by all the different methods, when administered under proper supervision. The easy availability of the medicine in medicinal stores even without a prescription has led to the usage by many as self medication. This has resulted in the irrational use of the medicine, consequently deprecating its value which should be prevented.

Key words: Makaradhwaja, Methods of preparation, Safety

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