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Evaluation and comparison of sleep quality among medical and yogic students – A questionnaire based study

Vidyashree H M, Parwati P Patil, Vinay Moodnur, Deepeshwar Singh.

Cited by 7 Articles

Background: Sleep related disorders are recognized in one third of the western population. Poor sleep quality has major negative long term impact on health, prevention programs should focus especially on the subjective sleep quality.

Objective: To Evaluate and compare the sleeping behavior and to analyze sleep quality among medical and yogic students.

Materials and Methods: 1st year medical students from J N Medical College who were randomly selected and yogic students from S-VYASA completed questionnaires assessing sleep quality.

Results: Yogic students showed better quality of sleep. Daytime sleepiness scale score was found with p

Key words: Sleep quality, Medical students, Yogic students

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