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Case Report

Surgical Treatment Of Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis In Children: A Case Report

Achraf El Bakkaly, Imad El Ghordaf, Jawad Bouljrouf, Abdelouahed Amrani, Mohammed Anouar Dendane, Sidi Zouhair EL Alami Fellous, Tarik El madhi.

Cited by 2 Articles

Congenital radioulnar synostosis is an uncommon condition, only 400 cases have been reported in the world literature. Often bilateral, it can be recognized from birth by a clinical examination if it is attentive (examination of the prono-supination of the two elbows). It is in fact often discovered later, especially in unilateral forms, in children of school age. The proximal congenital radioulnar synostosis often results in functional, cosmetic limitations of the upper limb especially in the bilateral forms.
Rotational osteotomy through the synostosis site is the usual procedure. The techniques and sites envisaged for this surgery are numerous, with multiple difficulties, risks and possible complications. We propose the observation of an eight-year-old boy with a symptomatic form of proximal radioulnar synostosis. The surgical treatment consisted of a resection of the synostosis withrotational transversalosteotomy of the two bones of the forearm completed by a plaster in neutral position. Clinical results, evaluated at an average of twelve months postoperatively, were found to be satisfactorily on aesthetic and functional levels.
The aim of our work is to highlight our simple and reliable surgical procedure of the osteotomy of the synostosis maintained by spindles, allowing the functional improvement of the movements of the forearm of our child and thus a normal life.

Key words: Radioulnar synostosis, Osteotomy, forearm

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