This research was designed to compare the efficacy of selenium in nanoscale (SeNPs) with its free form (Se) against liver fibrosis induced by thioacetamide (TAA) in rats. In a completely randomized design, 60 adult female rats were distributed as: Group (1) control (received saline) and other three groups received TAA to induce liver fibrosis (100 mg/kg b.wt of three times a week for 6 weeks). Fifteen rats were termed TAA (Group 2). Rats in group (3) were simultaneously administered SeNPs (0.48 mg/kg/b.wt) orally (TAA+SeNPs). Rats in group (4) were simultaneously administered Se (0.48 mg/kg/b.wt) orally (TAA+Se). TAA injection enhanced liver enzymes activity, oxidative stress markers and inflammatory mediators, while suppressed the activity of the antioxidant enzymes activity versus the control group. SeNPs as well as Se supplementation blunted liver enzymes activity, oxidative stress indicators and inflammatory intermediates, while potentiated the activity of the antioxidant enzymes relative to TAA group. Histological investigation of liver tissue appreciated the biochemical findings. A forementioned data clearly indicate that the mitigation of oxidative stress and inflammation may be the probable mechanisms by which SeNPs or Se can offer their antifibrotic action. Worthmentioning, SeNPs showed superior effect above Se in its free form in this respect.
Key words: Selenium nanoparticles; Liver fibrosis; Inflammation; Antifibrotic action;Rats.