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Case Report

Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2018; 16(1): 107-112

Contagious ecthyma in three flocks of goats in Jos-south LGA, Plateau State, Nigeria

Adeyinka Jeremy Adedeji, Jolly Amoche Adole, Nneka Chineze Chima, Adrian Sani Maguda, Dyek Yohana Dyek, Anvou Jambol, Emmanuel Anefu, Johnson Joshua Shallmizhil, Pam Dachung Luka.


Contagious ecthyma (CE) is a debilitating disease of sheep, goats and other ruminants caused by Orf virus (ORFV). Suspected outbreaks of CE were reported in three flocks of goats in Jos-South, Plateau State, Nigeria with proliferative lesions on the muzzle, oral commissures, perineal area and legs. Scab samples were collected from all the flocks and the affected animals placed on antibiotics. The samples collected were homogenized and the DNA extracted using QIAamp® DNA Mini kit (QIAGEN, Hilden Germany). The extracted DNA was subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifying two gene fragments: A32L and B2L of the ORFV. Two flocks were West African Dwarf (WAD) breed of goats with100% morbidity and 100% mortality recorded, while the third flock was Kano Brown breed with 6.7% morbidity and no mortality. A32L and B2L fragments of the ORFV genome was amplified by PCR from samples collected from the flocks. Contagious ecthyma was therefore confirmed based on classical clinical presentations and laboratory confirmation by PCR. Amplification of A32L and B2L gene fragments of the ORFV and 100% mortality in WAD breed of goats is the first report in Nigeria associated with CE. Further studies should be carried out to understand the role of breed, the epidemiology and economic impact of CE in Nigeria for the utilization of an appropriate control strategy.

Key words: A32L gene, B2L gene, Contagious ecthyma, Goat, Orf virus, polymerase chain reaction, Nigeria

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