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Case Report

PBS. 2013; 3(1): 37-40

Serotonin syndrome with low-dose escitalopram

Neşe Öztürk, Ezgi Kara, Gülfizar Sözeri-Varma, Eylem Değirmenci.


Serotonin syndrome is a drug side effect resulting from serotonergic hyperactivity. At times the severity of its symptoms can be mild and overlooked, but sometimes it might cause life-threatening serious consequences. It usually occurs while using high doses or combinations of serotonergic drugs. However, it might also be observed during the use of low dose of serotonergic agents, even it is rare. In this paper, it is aimed to present a case with serotonin syndrome which is thought to be developed after the use of 5 mg of escitalopram, and to discuss this case in terms of differential diagnosis.

Key words: serotonergic syndrome, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, side effects

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