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RMJ. 2022; 47(4): 884-887

Risk factors associated with restless leg syndrome in hemodialysis patients

Mahjabeen Yaseen, Muhammad Raheel Abdul Razzaque, Asma Arman, Ayaz Ahmed, Batool, Farya Moon.


Objective: To determine the frequency of rest leg syndrome (RLS) and its associated risk factors among hemodialysis patients.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the dialysis unit of Karachi Institute of Kidney Disease (KIKD) from July to December 2019. All participants were diagnosed to have RLS were requested to complete the questionnaire regarding the severity of RLS. This severity of RLS was assessed using a 5-point Likert scale for 10 items. The study participants with a severity score of 0-10 (out of a maximum of 40) were categorized as mild, those with a severity score of 11-20 as moderate, those with a score of 21-30 as severe and those with score of 31-40 were categorized as having very severe RLS.
Results: Our study showed that 26.7% patients were found to have RLS. The severity was found to be mild in 15.0%, moderate in 40%, severe in 42.5% and only 2.5% had very severe RLS
Conclusion: Significant risk factors associated with RLS were female gender, diabetes and afternoon hemodialysis.

Key words: Restless leg syndrome, hemodialysis, end stage renal disease.

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