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J App Pharm Sci. 2017; 7(6): 194-196

Dissolution Enhancement of Gendarusin A by Poloxamer 188 Addition in Justicia gendarussa Burm. f Ethanolic Extract Granule Matrix

Weka Sidha Bhagawan, Bambang Prajogo, Achmad Radjaram.


Justicia gendarussa Burm. f (Acanthaceae) is often used as folk medicine in Indonesia. Preclinical studies on J. gendarussa leaves extract shows activity of male contraception. Gendarusin A is a compound that responsible as man antifertility. The purpose of this study was to prove poloxamer 188 can increase the dissolution rate of gendarusin A in Justicia gendarussa Burm. f ethanolic extract granule (JEG) matrix in an effort to find a male contraceptives phytopharmaceutical product. In this research, we had made three JEG matrix types with the carrier material and surfactant poloxamer 188. The three types mentioned are type 1 (without the addition of surfactant poloxamer 188), type 2 (with the addition of 1% surfactant poloxamer 188 from the extract weight), and type 3 (with the addition of 2% surfactant polixamer 188 from the extract weight). By dissolution test and HPLC instrument were score for disolution of gendarusin A. In-vitro dissolution studies showed that the gendarusin A in JEG matrix type 3 dissolved much faster than the JEG matrix type 1 and type 2. The dissolution test found that the score of dissolution efficiencies of gendarusin A in JEG matrix type 1, type 2, and type 3 are 15,72 %; 24,22 %; and 31,83 %. It can be concluded that poloxamer 188 addition can increase the dissolution rate of gendarusin A in JEG matrix.

Key words: Gendarusin A, Justicia gendarussa, Dissolution, Granule, Poloxamer 188

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