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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2017; 15(3): 15-24

A retrospective evaluation of parasitic conditions and their associated risk factors in sheep and goats in Osun state, Nigeria

David Shola Ola-Fadunsin, Busayo Emmanuel Ibitoye.


Parasitism in small ruminants remains a great threat to the advancement of the livestock industry in most tropical countries. This study is aimed at appending and updating current literature on prevalence of parasitic diseases of small ruminants (sheep and goat) prevalent in Osun state, southwest Nigeria. A ten- year data (2006–2015) involving 321 sheep and 1,210 goats was analysed. Helminthoses (78.8% in sheep; 52.9% in goats) and mange (18.4% in sheep; 49.6% in goats) were the most prevalent parasitic diseases affecting sheep and goats and they occurred all the year round. Other parasitic diseases diagnosed during this period were babesiosis, tick infestation, myiasis, lice infestation, flea infestation, anaplasmosis, coccidiosis and trypanosomiasis. It was observed that age and sex were associated with parasitic diseases in sheep, while it was age and seasons in goats. This study shows that parasitic diseases are common among small ruminants in the state

Key words: Goats, Osun state, Parasitic diseases, Retrospective study, Sheep

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