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In vitro cytotoxicity analysis of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed Codium tomentosum Stackhouse, 1797

Pagolu Navya, Samantha Sekar Khora.


Algae polysaccharides are commonly used in alternative medicine. Toxicity study of the isolated polysaccharides was carried out prior to the exploration of its bio-activities. In the present study we extracted polysaccharides by ultra sonication method and further purified by column chromatography. Then we examined the toxicity of sulfated polysaccharides isolated from marine green algae Codium tomentosum on Normal mouse fibroblast cells (L929) cells. Cytotoxicity was screened using MTT reduction assay. The results showed that Polysaccharides from Codium tomentosum had no toxicity effect on L929 cells instead it shows proliferating activity. Proliferation and migration of cells is a series of intricate cellular events involved in wound healing process, so it might have potential therapeutic use in guiding cell movement in wound healing. Hence, further study is needed to explore its bioactivities.

Key words: Codium tomentosum, Polysaccharides, Toxicity, L929 cells, MTT assay.

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