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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2017; 15(3): 25-31

Effects of ethanol extract of Tridax procumbens on spermiogram and reproductive hormones in Wistar rat

Olukayode Gbolahan AKINTUNDE, Abimbola Adetokunbo OLOYE, Abiodun Seun ADETOMIWA, Wuraola Omolola SOBULOYE, Charles O. OLAIYA.


Therapeutic potentials of medicinal plants in the improvement of semen characteristics and reproductive hormones have been reported by some authors. This study explored such potentials in Tridax procumbens which is from the family Asteraceae. Twenty-five adult male albino wistar rats were used for this study, divided into five groups (Groups A to E) of 5 rats each receiving 0mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg and 800mg/kg of ethanol extract of Tridax procumbens leaf respectively for 28days. The seminal volume and concentration of the ethanol extract treated groups D (5.16±0.05, 94.40±9.58, respectively) and E(5.18 ±0.04, 110.40±4.86, respectively), were higher significantly (p

Key words: Phytochemicals, Rats, Reproductive hormones, Spermiogram, Tridax procumbens

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