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Case Report

RMJ. 2017; 42(3): 429-431

A complicated case of rhabdomyolysis in dengue fever: Finding balance between aggressive hydration and preventing plasma leakage in critical phase

Liyana Najwa Inche Mat, Hakimah Sallehuddin, Siti Zulaikha Zakariah, Fan Kee Hoo, Ahmad Zaidi Othman.


We present a case of a 43-year-old gentleman presented with dengue shock syndrome following 5 days of fever associated with 2 days of diarrhea. Rhabdomyolysis was diagnosed on the 7th day of illness. He was treated with aggressive hydration and sodium bicarbonate and made an uneventful recovery. The mainstay of treatment is aggresive hydration, with rigorous monitoring of fluid balance. Our case demonstrates the importance of detecting rhabdomyolysis early, as it can worsens the outcome of dengue fever.

Key words: Dengue, rhabdomyolysis, shock, creatinine kinase

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