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Sleep Hypn. 2018; 20(1): -

Hypnotic hallucination of body heating modifies splanchnic circulation. Haemodynamic and ultrasonographic pilot study in normal volunteers

Valérie Tikhonoff, Marco Senzolo, Antonio Maria Lapenta, Paolo Palatini, Edoardo Casiglia.


In previous experience we demonstrated that in highly hypnotizable subjects (highs) it is very easy to produce through hypnotic suggestion of heat a real and measurable increase of temperature and of blood flow in body segments. Aim of the present paper is to ascertain whether this is plausible for splanchnic vessels too.
In 5 healthy volunteers aged 27.4±4.0 years, cardiac output, upper limb blood flow, mesenteric diameter, flow and mean flow velocity, and portal vein diameter and flow velocity were measured by bioimpedence, ultrasonography and LASER-Doppler in usual conditions of consciousness (pre-hypnosis) and during hypnotic suggestion of body heat.
Following hypnotic body heating, splanchnic vasodilation (+59% in mesenteric blood flow, p

Key words: Hypnosis. Physiology. Human. Mesenteric artery. Portal vein. Peripheral circulation. Cardiac index.

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