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Letter to the Editor

A rare manifestation of giant cell arteritis: Bilateral scalp necrosis

Mucahit Marsak, Nihal Altunisik, Dursun Turkmen, Servet Yolbas, Rafet Ozbey, Aysegul Ozgul, Serpil Sener, Ismail Okan Yildirim.


This study investigated the anxiety and depression levels in hospitalized healthy pregnants and pregnants with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) before the cesarean section. This case control study included 64 healthy pregnant (control) and 26 pregnants with GDM (case). Patients were assessed with the form of a socio-demographic and clinical characteristic and Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS). The mean age was 35.5±5.1 years in the case group and 29.4±4.3 in the control group. There was a significant difference between pregnant women with GDM and healthy pregnant in terms of total anxiety, total depression, psychomotor agitation, restlessness, laughing and seeing funny things, and being cheerful. 21% of the pregnant with GDM and 15% of the healthy pregnant had anxiety. Also, 34% of the pregnant with GDM and 23% of the controls had depression. Anxiety and depressive symptoms should be considered for hospitalized pregnant women with GDM before the cesarean section.

Key words: Gestational diabetes mellitus, anxiety, depression, cesarean section

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