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Case Report

Med Arch. 2016; 70(5): 395-397

Colonic Perforation in a Young Tetraplegic Male Caused by Zucchini

Biserka Pigac, Silvija Masic.


Introduction: Colonic perforation is a clinical condition which occurs due to variety of reasons, such as intrinsic disorders of the intestine, extrinsic causes, but also due to presence of foreign bodies. Foreign objects enter gastrointestinal tract by oral or transanal introduction. Case report: we present an uncommon case of a 26- year-old tetraplegic male, whose death was a consequence of a widespread purulent peritonitis provoked by colonic perforation inflicted by an unusual foreign body, transanally introduced 28 centimeters long zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.). Conclusions: we share our experience in order to emphasize the importance of consideration and early recognition of foreign body presence in the alimentary tract as possible diagnosis.

Key words: colonic perforation, transanal, Zucchini.

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