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Med Arch. 2016; 70(5): 359-363

Musculoskeletal Health of 40-65 Year Old Males and Females in Kosova and the Impact of N05B, A02B (PPI, H2RA), H02AB and Lifestyle Factors on It

Ermira Krasniqi, Mynyr Koni, Harald Tchan, Blerim Krasniqi, Antigona Kobashi, Arben Boshnjaku.


Background: This observational, cross-sectional study investigates the impact of medication usage, physical activity (PA) and nutritional status on musculoskeletal health (MSH) in males and females aged 40-65 in the population of a post conflict, developing country. Methods: Bone Mineral Density (BMD), T-score and Z-score at distal forearm regions (measured by DEXA scan), together with isometric hand grip strength (dynamometer) were evaluated in a total of 162 subjects (53 Males, average age 55.15±7.12 and 109 Females, 54.27±5.1). Additionally, bio-anthropometric assessments, medication usage, PA level and nutritional status were assessed. Results: Significant differences (p0.05) in BMD, T-score, and hand grip in total population, except for A02B where p

Key words: Bone; Hand grip Strength; Side Effects; N05B, H02AB; A02B.

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