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Unsafe injection practices and its predictors in Government health care facilities of Central India.

Aditya Thakur, Manju Toppo, Dinesh Kumar Pal.


Introduction- Irrational and unsafe injection practices are Insidious in developing countries harming the patient and alluring risks to the health care workers. Poor injection practices, including injection overuse and unsafe practices have been reported in many developing and transitional countries Objective - To determine the proportion and predictors of unsafe injections practices in government health facilities. Material and method - It was a descriptive cross-sectional study done in duration of 6 months A sample of 280 was calculated and 83 injection units of 11 government health care facilities were considered for the assessment. Generation of descriptive Statistics was done. Chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify potential risk factor of unsafe injection practices. Result- 45 % of the injection practices out of total 280 observed injection practice in all the 11 facilities selected in study is found to be unsafe. Primary health care facilities were 2.13 times more likely to exhibit unsafe injection practice while secondary health care facilities were 1.45 times more prone to unsafe injection practice as compare to tertiary health care facilities. Conclusion- High frequency of noncompliance to best injection safety practices are widespread in the government facilities. This Situation is even worse in the primary health center and community health center.

Key words: Unsafe injection, Practices, Government, Facilities.

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