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Case Report

Accessory Renal Vessels

Ammar Mohammed Ali Mohammed, Rami Gusm Elseed Abdalrasol, Khatim Alamin Abdalhai, Mohamed Gommaa Hamad.


Knowledge of the variations of the renal artery has grown in importance with increa­sing of renal transplants, vascular reconstructions and various surgical and radiologic tech­niques performing in recent years. We report the presence of unilateral doubled renal vessels, dis­covered on routine dissection of a male cadaver, on the right side; additional renal artery ori­ginated from the abdominal aorta. In addition the right suprarenal gland received arteries from right renal and inferior phrenic arteries only. The right inferior phrenic originated from the right renal artery.

Key words: renal artery, accessory renal vessels.

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