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Production and Characterization of Collagenase by Penicillium sp. UCP 1286 Isolated From Caatinga Soil

Maria Carolina de Albuquerque Wanderley, José Manoel Wanderley Duarte Neto, Carolina de Albuquerque Lima, Sara Isabel da Cruz Silvério, José Luiz de Lima Filho, José António Couto Teixeira, Ana Lúcia Figueiredo Porto.

Cited by 4 Articles

A new Penicillium sp. strain isolated from the soil of Caatinga, a Brazilian Biome (UCP 1286) was selected for collagenase production. Fermentation system allowing obtention of collagenolytic activity about 2.7 times higher than existing data, with the highest values of collagenolytic and specific activity (379.80 U/mL, 1460.77 U/mg, respectively), after 126 hours. Applying a factorial design, enzyme production was increased by about 65% compared to the preliminary results. The factorial design demonstrated the existence of two factors with statistical significance on the production of the enzyme: pH and temperature, both with negative effects. Enzyme was found to be more active at pH 9.0 and 37 °C, and also to be very stable in comparison with the collagenase produced by other microorganisms. The enzyme seems to belong to collagenolytic serine proteases family. Concerning the substrate specificity, it was observed that the highest enzyme activity corresponds to azocoll, there was no relevant activity on azocasein and the enzyme showed to be more specific to type V collagen and gelatin than the commercial colagenase produced by Clostridium histolyticum. Major band observed at electrophoresis was approximately 37 kDa. Zymogram analysis confirmed the collagenolytic activity. All data indicates this enzyme as promising biotechnology product.

Key words: Collagenolytic; Enzymes; Factorial Design; Fermentation; Filamentous Fungi; Specificity.

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