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Review Article

AJVS. 2018; 56(1): 25-32

A Review: Canine and Feline Influenza

Daodu O. Babatunde, Oluwayelu D. Oladimeji.


Dogs and cats were initially not considered to be susceptible or being potential reservoirs of influenza virus, they are now known to be vulnerable to several Influenza A Virus (IAV) subtypes and may serve as the source of infection to other animals and human. In 2004, Influenza A virus H3N8 was the first flu outbreak reported in dog. In less than a decade, 6 and 3 IAV subtypes have been reported in dogs and cats respectively, with two novel reassortant subtypes, Canine influenza virus (CIV) H3N1 (originating from Human Pandemic H1N1 and avian-origin H3N2) and H5N2 (Avian-origin H5N2 and swine-origin H9N2) in dog. This review focuses on different IAV subtypes identified in canine and feline species, and serve as guide for pet owners and veterinarians on diagnosis of infected dog and cat. However, a continuous closeness between human and pet animals especially dogs and cats prompt great concern about anthropozoonosis and zooanthroposis of Influenza virus. Thus, development of active surveillance and control plans for influenza and other emerging viral diseases in pet animals under the framework of “One World, One Health” will be an invaluable tool for control and prevention of IAV infections.

Key words: Canine, Feline, influenza, transmission, risk factors

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