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IJMDC. 2024; 8(11): 3058-3066

Public knowledge and practices regarding cutaneous leishmaniasis: a cross-sectional study

Sulaiman Mohammed Alamro, Rayan Abdullah Alsaqri, Abdulmalik Abdulaziz Aljulajil, Lama Abdullah Alsaqri, Alwaleed Mohammed Alamro, Ziyad Abdullah Alawni, Lyan Bader Alharbi, Abdullah Duhaim Alharbi.


Objective: This study aimed to assess public knowledge and general practices related to cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in the Qassim region of Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from July to December 2024 among 400 adults in the Qassim region. Data were collected using a self-administered online survey, which included questions on demo graphics, knowledge of CL transmission, symptoms, high-risk groups, preventive measures, and management practices.
Results: Among the 400 participants, 54.3% (n = 217) had heard of CL, with family and friends being the most common information source (36.5%). However, knowledge gaps were evident where 40.3% (n = 161) correctly identified sandfly bites as the primary mode of transmission, while 43% (n = 172) could not identify common CL symptoms. Knowledge of preventive practices was also limited, with 41.3% being unsure of effective prevention strategies.
Conclusion: This study revealed substantial gaps in public knowledge and preventive practices regarding CL in the Qassim region. Targeted public health education initiatives are essential to improve awareness, promote preventive behaviors, and enhance community engagement in CL control efforts.

Key words: Cutaneous leishmaniasis, public knowledge, sandfly transmission, community awareness, tropical disease

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