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Case Report

Ann Med Res. 2016; 23(4): 468-470

Bilateral humeral simple bone cyst coming with pathological fracture in mature individual: case report

Resit Sevimli, Kadir Ertem, Baris Ayranci, Ali Canbay.

Cited by 0 Articles

Simple bone cysts are benign bone lesions commonly seen in childhood, and it is rare after the first two decades of life.Many factors are implicated in etiopathogenesis of bone cyst. Because etiologic factors are not certain, it is not possible to mention about a certain way of treatment either. In adolescence, once the bone maturation is complete, spontaneous regression of the cysts are expected. Many methods were applied in the treatment of these lesions. Mechanical treatment involving curettage and grafting, injectional treatment (steroids) especially applied in the 1st decade, decompression of the cyst (multi-drilling, pin, screw), decompression with structural support (intramedullary nails) can be mentioned among the methods.In this study, we have attempted to present diagnosis and treatment of case of 25 year old adult 's simple bone cyst with metaphyseal-diaphyseal complete involvement of both humerus which was identified in assessments after pathological fracture caused by a simple fall.

Key words: Bone Cyst; Pathological Fracture; Allograft.

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