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Study of Prevalence and Dietary Factors Affecting Obesity among Slum Dwellers Aged 30 Years and Above in Bangalore

Selvi Thangaraj, Jyothi Jadhav, Malappurath Suresh Shruthi.


AIM: Obesity is a serious, growing problem and an important risk factor for morbidity and mortality. In India prevalence is 22% among males and 21% among females aged 30 years and above, while in Karnataka there is a 14% prevalence of obesity among males and 17.3% among females. The aim of this study is to assess the problem of obesity and dietary factors influencing obesity in order to plan health promotion and prevention strategies to combat this epidemic of non-communicable diseases.
METHOD: This cross-sectional community based study was carried out among urban slum dwellers aged 30 years and above, in 2010. Sampling was done by systematic random sampling. Sample size was calculated as 300. Statistical analysis was done using Epi info version 3.5.1, in the year 2011
RESULTS :More than half of the study population (56.5%) had a normal [169 (49.7%)] and underweight [23 (6.8%)] BMI while the overweight [84(24.7%)] and obese [64(18.8%)] category consisted of 148 (43.5%) subjects. Statistically significant association of decreased BMI with increasing frequency of fruits consumed (p

Key words: Obesity, slum dwellers, dietary factors

Article Language: Turkish English

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