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Reduced Transition Probabilities B(E2) for even-even 22-32Mg using NuShellX@MSU code

Edward Ameh Odumeke, Ahmed H Ali, Johnson Akinade Bamikole, Joseph Omojola, Johnson Oladiran Abimbola.


In this work, the reduced transition probabilities B(E2) have been evaluated for even-even 22-32Mg isotopes. The One Body Transition Matrix (OBTM) was calculated for each of the selected magnesium isotopes using the NuShellX@MSU code within the framework of the sd-model using SDBA and BKUOSD interaction. The reduced transition probabilities B(E2) were calculated using the Nushell effective charge (Nus), the conventional effective charge (CON), the standard effective charge (ST) and the Bohr-Mottlson effective charge (B-M) with OBTM. The size parameter, b was also calculated for each of the selected magnesium isotopes. The effective charge represents the polarization of the core. Theoretical calculations of B(E2) with BKUOSD interaction were the best when compared with SDBA interaction. The theoretical results for both interactions showed that it was higher with the effective charges of the Bohr-Mottelson (B-M) and the Nus when compared with the experimental.

Key words: Effective Charges, core polarization, shell model, sd-model space

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