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Evaluation of Diagnostic Methods in the Differentiation of Heart Murmurs in Children

Zijo Begic, Senad Pesto, Senka Mesihovic Dinarevic, Edin Begic, Amra Dobraca, Izet Masic.


Introduction: The most common clinical sign in pediatric cardiology is a heart murmur (organic and inorganic). Organic are sign of heart disease, while inorganic (basically divided into accidental and functional) murmurs occur on anatomically healthy heart.. Aim: To determine the justification of the application of the methods of cardiac treatment. Patients and methods: Study included 116 children aged from 1 to 15 years, who were referred due to cardiac treatment to Pediatric Clinic, of Sarajevo University Clinical Center. Results: The first group consisted of children with innocent heart murmur, 97 (53 males). The second group consisted of patients with organic murmur, 19 (13 males). The average age of the first group was 7.69 (1.01–15.01) years old, and of the second group 3.15 (1.01- 8.06) years old, and there is a significant difference between these two groups (p

Key words: pediatric cardiology, heart murmurs, cardiac treatment of heart murmurs.

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