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RMJ. 2024; 49(4): 750-753

Prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with diabetes mellitus type II

Asseel Kareem Tawfeeq, Waleed Ibraheem Ali.


Objective: To asses prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with diabetes mellitus type II.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study involved 70 participants selected through convenience sampling at a medical city complex from January to June 2024. Data collected included age, weight, height, FBS, handgrip strength, calf and mid-arm circumferences, and skeletal muscle mass (SMM), with standardized measurements taken. SMM was assessed using bioelectrical impedance analysis, and BMI was calculated using WHO classification.
Results: There were significant gender differences, with males showing higher handgrip strength and SMM compared to females. Age did not significantly affect most health parameters except for SMM, which was higher in younger age groups. BMI strongly influenced calf and mid-arm circumference and skeletal muscle mass, but had no significant impact on fasting blood sugar or handgrip strength.
Conclusion: The study highlights significant gender differences in muscle mass and strength, consistent with the age-related decline in muscle mass. It also showed a positive correlation between BMI and muscle mass, though some variables lacked significant differences. The findings emphasize the need for targeted sarcopenia screening and interventions.

Key words: Incidence, sarcopenia, diabetes mellitus, type II.

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