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Groin Pain in Young Male Adults: Retrospective Evaluation of 446 Patients

Dursun Özgür Karakaş, İbrahim Yılmaz, Aykut Aytekin.


Aim: In young male adults; groin pain is evaluated as an inguinal hernia and usually referred to general surgeons. Less frequently; urological, internal and orthopedical diseases can cause to groin pain.
Material and Methods: The side of groin pain (right, left or bilateral), whether or not surgery, physical examination, and ultrasonographic (USG) results were analysed from the soldier patients who applied to department of General Surgery of Ağrı Military Hospital with groin pain complaint from 01 January 2011 to 31 December 2011.
Results: 446 (14%) of the 3196 patients were applied with groin pain complaint with 58,3% right, 39,6% left, and 2,1% bilateral groin pain. Inguinal hernia was detected 43,8% at right, 28,1% at left, and 0,6% at bilateral with physical examination in patients with groin pain. At right 28,5% normal, 5,7% inguinal lymphadenomegaly, and 3,2% urological pathology was found in the evaluation of USG results. At left 13,1% normal, 8,1% inguinal lymphadenomegaly, and 11,4% urological pathology was found. No pathology was found with USG in bilateral groin pain.
Conclusion: Urological, orthopedical pathology, and lymphadenopathy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of groin pain except inguinal hernia in young male adults. USG is a non-invasive, easy, cheap method with high degree of accuracy properties and should be first alternative imaging at the differential diagnosis of undetermined inguinal hernia on physical examination in the patients with groin pain.

Key words: Groin Pain; Inguinal Hernia; Ultrasonography

Article Language: Turkish English

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