Lifestyle is a major factor thought to influence susceptibility to many diseases including eye . Some of the faulty lifestyle exposures like smoking, alcohol consumption, fat and sugar rich diet, chronic eye strain etc. are notably associated with the risk of developing eye diseases. An association between such defective life style measures and subsequent eye diseases was reviewed from Ayurvedic and biomedical literature and corresponding prevention strategies were searched. Ayurveda is found to possess vivid information about the lifestyle leading to healthy living and also the preventive strategies in general .For eye diseases, a few daily regimens like Aschyotana (eye drops), Anjana (Collyrium), Nasya (nasal application of drugs ), Abhyanga (Oil massage), Snana (Bath), Padabhyanga (Foot massage with oil) are promoted as high-end measures for the maintenance of eye health. Various Yogasanas, pranayamas and shatkriyas are also said to be beneficial for the same cause. A practice of such simple techniques along with suitable modification to lifestyle by due inclusion of dietand exercise can prevent a great deal of occyular diseases as is seen in this review.
Key words: Ayurveda, Eye diseases, Lifestyle diseases,