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Original Research

. 2016; 72(1): -

Randall Terry's Liberal Prophecy: National Sin, Activist Redemption, and the Death of Freedom

Eric C. Miller.


This essay considers the written rhetoric of anti-abortion activist Randall Terry as a prominent example of liberal prophecy – a rhetorical posture that situates the ideographs of liberal democracy within the prophetic style. Though contemporary “culture war” issues are ostensibly concerned with moral standards and religious beliefs, the public discussion surrounding such issues has tended toward a liberal frame, as competing factions vie for control of concepts such as liberty, freedom, and rights. Though often effective in other venues, the liberal frame proved unsuccessful for Terry, who allowed his liberal commitments to be subsumed within a prophetic rhetoric maligned for its extremity.

Key words: Abortion, Randall Terry, Operation Rescue, Liberalism, Prophecy

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