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RMJ. 2019; 44(2): 410-413

Topically applied paraphenylene diamond induces decrease in primary and secondary ovarian follicles in rat

Sana Malik, Khadija Qamar, Sumaira Abbasi, Rizwan Bashir Kiani, Mahjabeen Fatima, Sana Ahmad.


Objective: To study the effect of topically applied paraphenylene diamine (PPD) solution on number of primary and secondary ovarian follicles in Sprague dawley rat.
Methodology: This laboratory based randomized control trial was conducted in the Department of Anatomy, Army Medical College, Rawalpindi in collaboration of animal house, National Institute of Health, Islamabad. The study duration was from January 1 to December 1, 2016. Forty adult Sprague Dawley female rats, weighing 200-300grams, were used and divided into 4 groups with 10 rats in each group. Rats of control group A were applied distilled water on dorsal surface clipped free of hair. Group B, C and D were applied 1mg, 2mg and 3mg per kg body weight of PPD. Animals were sacrificed on 60th day and right ovary of each rat was removed, fixed in 10% formalin, processed and sectioned. Haematoxylin and eosin stains were used.
Results: Topically applied PPD resulted in decrease in number of primary and secondary ovarian follicles in rats.
Conclusion: PPD solution decreased primary and secondary follicular count in rat ovary.

Key words: Follicles, ovary, paraphenylene diamine, rats, topical.

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