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Health risk assessments of some toxic metals in stockfish sold in Nigeria.

Abiodun Mathias Emokpae, Blessing Ehiaghe Omongbale.


Aim: Stockfish is a popular delicacy in Nigeria but, because of high cost of the fish most consumers purchase and consume head bones, fins and gills. We hypothesized that fins and gills may contain higher concentrations of toxic metals. To evaluate some toxic metals levels in the body tissue, gills and fins of cod stockfish sold in three different cities in Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: The concentrations of cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic were determined in percloric: nitric: sulphuric acid (1:2:2) dissolved fins, body tissue and gills of cod stockfish using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass-Spectrophotometer.
Results: The concentrations of cadmium and lead were significantly higher (p

Key words: Toxic metals, Stockfish, consumption, Nigerian markets.

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